Program Process

How does it work in our community?

The CEZC Board performs policy and strategic decision making functions for the Corporation. The Board (1) establishes policies, provides guidelines for funding, sets implementation time lines, and approves programs (2) review s, approves or disapproves funding recommendations; and (3) solicits City, State and private financial input and technical assistance.

The CEZC established Sub-Committees in the areas of Economic Development, Human Services, Community Improvements and Strategic Planning. Each sub-committee consists of at least two CEZC Trustees, EZ neighborhood representatives, representatives from state departments and agencies, City departmental staff, and technical assistance providers. The Sub-Committees access technical assistance as necessary; identify projects across neighborhoods and opportunities to leverage other funds; evaluate RFP responses for feasibility and practicality; and recommend funding decisions to the CEZC Board.

The approval process is as follows:

The Subcommittee and program manager develop an initiative or program concept and present the program to the Board of Trustees for approval for a release of a Request for Proposals. Board approves the Program.

The subcommittee then reviews the RFP designed by the Program Manager and chooses an evaluation panel. The CEZC issues the RFP. The evaluation panel scores proposals and makes recommendations for funding to the subcommittee and CEZC management. After their respective approvals, the recommended proposal(s) are submitted to the Board for approval. After Board Approval, it is the responsibility of the program manager to implement the program and inform the subcommittee of its progress. The compliance officer reviews files and funding documentation as well as conducts site visits to ensure the proper use of funds as well as output measurements.


The Board of Trustees consists of a maximum of thirty six members which include, at a minimum, the following representatives from the following constituencies:

Each census tract has a governing body referred to as block captains. Twelve block captain trustees that represent the census tracts for the Empowerment Zone. The block captains are the core to resident participation in the Board of Trustees.

Other Board of Trustees include a minimum of thirteen members from local businesses and institutions. Of these trustees, nine are selected from the economic and educational communities such as representatives from for-profit businesses, non-profit organizations, and representatives of labor. In addition, four (4) trustees are elected from among the religious and cultural communities of Camden.